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Suite for Education de Tècnics Esportius de
l'Institut del CAR

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honor a grandes maestros!!
Webs Maestro Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas in Honoris
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Segura · B. Saltin · A. Viru · P. Komi · J. Dapena · J. Stager D. Tanner in Honoris
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A few fights for quality and justice
in public schools
Any news
will be updated daily
"In any case, it is recommended for the integral
education of the individual to dedicate a minimum of 1 session of
Physical Education every day."
"There should be no Exemption from the subject of Physical Education."
"As pointed out, since 1980, by the great Master Fco. Seirul lo Vargas,
we must continue explaining and claiming the high educational value of
the practice of Physical Education to configure the personality of the
individual in all its dimensions and thus contribute as a priority and
irreplaceable in the integral education of the person."
is paradoxical to note that in Belgium the majority of Top
Sport Schools ("Schools of High Performance Sports") maintain in
their academic curriculum 2 sessions of Physical Education per week up
to the age of 18, while in the Public Institute Center d'Alt
Rendiment Esportiu de Sant Cugat del Vallès, student athletes have
been granted exemption in Physical Education since the 1990s and, in
addition, they have been awarded an excellent grade in said subject
until 2020.
With this type of exemption, as reported in writing in 2016 by a group
of Physical Education teachers from this center (Xavier Torrebadella
Flix, Àlex Planas Ballet and David Ribera Nebot):
a) students are deprived of the educational contents of Physical
Education (the practice of physical education and the practice of a
sport are different activities with different objectives and contents),
b) the students are being cheated by giving him a grade of apt or
excellent on some content (those of Physical Education) that they do not
The fact that inexperienced in Physical
Education are the ones who decide to grant exemptions from the subject
of Physical Education, apart from demonstrating a great deal of
ignorance, is a discredit for the Public Institute Center d'Alt
Rendiment Esportiu de Sant Cugat del Vallès, for the CAR de Sant Cugat ,
for the Generalitat of Catalonia and for the Public-State School.
>> continue reading
since March 2021
Expedient 2023/001
19/05/2023: Els professors del bloc comú Àlex Codina Trenzano, Xavier Bayer
Alonso, Santi Checa Moreno, Albert Culleré Bargadà, Laura
Martínez Simón i Marc Forné
en absència de tots els professors del bloc específic, decideixen realitzar una "2ª convocatòria extraordinària" dels Projectes Finals de Grau per a un grup reduït d'estudiants.
El professor David Ribera Nebot no va donar suport a l’avaluació
dels Projectes Finals de Grau després de
l’avaluació extraordinària, per no voler participar d’aquest
precedent que suposa una discriminació per a la resta d’alumnes,
que no han disposat de l’opció d’aquesta avaluació extra després
d’una avaluació extraordinària.
A l'avaluació
extraordinària dels estudiants de tècnic esportiu superior de
fútbol en l'institut públic CAR de Sant Cugat (25/05/2023)
un grup de professors del bloc comú (Àlex Codina Trenzano,
Xavier Bayer Alonso, Santi Checa Moreno, Albert Culleré Bargadà
i Marc Forné Miró), en absència de tots els professors del bloc
específic (Gerard Berenguer, Daniel Fernández, Javi Gómez Rigol,
Conrad García, Juliana García i Xavi Peco), s’autoassigna el rol de regalar
l’aprovat d'un bloc d’una assignatura _que no imparteixen ni coneixen ni en dominen els continguts_ a tres estudiants
que assumien el suspens atorgat pel professor responsable, amb
l’únic argument que només els queda una assignatura suspesa o
una suspesa i el Projecte Final de Grau.
De 10 estudiants amb 1 assignatura suspesa, només se n’ha
seleccionat a 4 per atorgar-los l’aprovat, amb l’únic argument,
precisament, que només els queda una assignatura suspesa.
A la Inspecció d'Educació se li ha enviat tota la documentació i
coneix les
dades que demostren les irregularitats que s'han fet en la Junta
d'Avaluació (06/06/2023),
l'inspector Joan Salomon Sancho és el responsable directe
d'estudiar la situació, i l'Inspecció d'Educació conclou _saltant-se
les irregularitats de la Junta d'Avaluació, mai constituïda com
a tal, en faltar tot el professorat del bloc específic_,
després de un mes (06/07/2023),
que la Junta d'Avaluació ha actuat d'acord amb la
Ni els professors responsables del frau
educatiu ni l'inspector que els dona suport han rectificat.
* S'estableix un precedent per als estudiants que no poden comptar amb
garanties de ser avaluats amb imparcialitat, que les seves
qualificacions no seran modificades sense justificació pedagògica, i que
tots gaudiran d'igualtat d'oportunitats en l'avaluació.
Any news will be updated
Si la Inspecció d'Educació permet que un grup de professors del bloc comú s’autoassigni el rol de
regalar l’aprovat d'un bloc d’una assignatura que no imparteixen,
ni coneixen ni en dominen els continguts, pot passar que, mentre
hi hagi els esmentats professors:
(a) cada estudiant opti per no
aprovar 1 o 2 assignatures perquè sap que després de l’avaluació
extraordinària se li aprovaran, o potser no*, cosa que significaria un desprestigi pel sistema educatiu català en
general (només pel fet de matricular-se als estudis de Tècnic
Esportiu Superior de l’Institut del CAR els alumnes ja tindrien
una o dues assignatures aprovades);
(b) la resta de professors
opti per no avaluar cap de les assignatures que imparteix,
deixant que ho facin els citats professors als quals se'ls
permet regalar els aprovats d'assignatures que no imparteixen;
(c) la resta de professors opti per assegurar l’aprovat amb un 5
a tots els estudiants;
de 10 estudiants amb 1 assignatura suspesa, només se n’ha
seleccionat a 4 per atorgar-los l’aprovat, amb l’únic argument,
precisament, que només els queda una assignatura suspesa.
Que els responsables de la Inspecció
d'Educació no apliquin la normativa amb rigor i donin suport a
actes que discriminen els estudiants, genera desconfiança en la
població i és un desprestigi per al sistema educatiu català.
Informació a la Consellera
Anna Simó i Castelló
(Consellera d'Educació)
ha estat informada d'aquest expedient públic (12/07/2023).
Evidentment, David Ribera-Nebot
s'abstindrà de signar qualsevol acta d'avaluació en la qual les
seves qualificacions hagin estat modificades de manera indeguda.
since June 2023
>> seguir llegint
Aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el 10 de
diciembre de 1948
Artículo 19
Todo individuo
tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión;
este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de las opiniones,
el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y el de difundirlas,
sin limitación de fronteras, por cualquier medio de expresión.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Senior Teacher of sport training and applied sciences in the Sports
Performance Institute at Sant Cugat since 2009
Basketball Coach (1983) and Superior Basketball Coach (1987); FEB
Spanish Basketball Federation.
Graduate in Human Movement Sciences; Institute of Physical Education and
Sports at Barcelona University.
Specialization in Artistic Gymnastics
Master of Science in Kinesiology - Exercise Physiology emphasis; Indiana
University Bloomington, USA.
Master Thesis on "Endurance Assessment in Basketball Players".
PhD Program on Human Movement Sciences; Barcelona University
PhD Thesis (2015) on "Perceptive and Coordinative Evaluation and Self-Evaluation";
Lleida University.
Research Student of Professor Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas
Work Experience
Coach and Strength-Conditioning Coach: Basketball
(Spanish under-20 National Team, ACB-1st div, LEB1-2nd div, LEB2-3rd
div, EBA-4th div and different levels of young players -infantil, cadet
and junior- of Spanish Leagues, collaborations in NCAA Division I (coach
Bobby Knight, Indiana University) and High School (coach Holmes,
Bloomington South) -USA-), Motorcycling (road racing, motocross and
enduro), Duel Sports and Martial Arts (wrestling, taekwondo, MMA mixed
martial arts and Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu), Indoor Soccer, Endurance Races (marathon,
mountain races and trekking), Circus Activities, Special Services of Air
Forces, collaboration with Water polo (1st & 2nd div. - Spanish League)
- in Spain, USA and Holland.
Physical education teacher in 15 state schools (3 academic years at "IES
La Mina", special school in a very conflicting neighborhood);
development of some projects of movement skills development during first
stages of sport learning and teacher of sports initiation.
Fitness and health programs in Catalonia and Holland.
Thechnical Coordinator of EEB
Sport Training Barcelona - Sport Training and Movement
Science Projects and Services.
Thechnical development of training with the T-BOW® for health and
performance, in collaboration with Sandra Bonacina and Viktor Denoth
(Zurich University, Switzerland)..
Member of the Scientific Committe of R∑D Sport Training Journal.
Teaching Activity
Research student (1988-90) and collaborator of the emeritus professor
Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas (, in
some projects on physical education, sport training and adjuvant
Lecturer on sport training and movement sciences at some conferences.
Teacher of some courses on sport training, physical education and
applied movement sciences in some universities, sport federations and
professional state schools.
Senior Teacher of sport training and applied sciences in the Sports
Performance Institute at Sant Cugat (Barcelona).
Visiting Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Lleida.
Team Publication (with Kaifer F and Rojo J) of the book "Fundamentals of
Basketball" (FBB).
1988 and 1991
Two video-tapes on endurance assessment in basketball (Barcelona
Research report in one chapter of the book "Psychology Course" (UB)
One chapter of the book "Sport training for children and adolescents"
(Institute of Sports, Canarias).
Technical review of the book -translated from Russian- "Training in
Extreme Conditions".
Some articles in journals on movement and sport sciences.
Team Publication (with Reverter-Masià and Picó-Benet) of
"Fundamentos de Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas para la Educación Motriz"
Research Award "Gymnos 1988" -physical education universities of Spain.
National University Studies Award (Ministry of Education and Science).
Research with the Indiana University Basketball Team (coached by Bob
Knight) and with the Bloomington High School South (coached by J.R.
Holmes). Human Performance Departments of Indiana University
1998-2000 and 2003-2004
Interdisciplinary research on innovative education in the high school "IES
La Mina".
Some collaborative research projects on physical education and sports
Permanent Education
-Study-Stage on Functional Assessment and Training of Athletes at the
Federal School of Gymnastics MACOLIN (Switzerland) and at the Istituto
di Scienza dello Sport -CONI- (Italy); 1991.
-Experiences in the Human Performance Labs of Indiana University at
Bloomington; 1994-1996. Neuromuscular Functions, Cardio-Respiratory and
Metabolic Exercise Responses-Adaptations, Biomechanical Analysis, and
Integrative Performance Evaluation of Athletes.
- Study-Stage at Indiana University Bloomington; 2010.
-Attendance to several conferences during 5 years of university studies
(1984-1990) and selected attendance to listen special professors in
conferences and courses - since 1991.
Sport Experience As an
Competitive Experience:
Basketball (SAS - from infantil to senior
at the Catalan Championships, and University Championships), Karate (SAS
- Gold Medal at the Bages Championships and Silver Medal at the Catalan
Championship), Table Soccer (Súria), Ping-Pong (Súria), Judo (Barcelona
University championship), Water polo (Barcelona University championships),
Gymnast at the 8th World Gymnaestrada in Denmark 1987, Barcelona's
Triathlon 1987 and Marathon 1989 (3h28' without training and without
previous experience), and some popular races) and Chess (CE Súria - from
infantil to junior at the Catalan Championships and Simultaneous Match
againts Anatoly Kapov - former World Champion).
Non-competitive Experience:
As a child I had different adventures and played with bows and arrows,
sticks, ... in the river and forest of my village Súria; I practiced
soccer, basketball, handball, roller skating, swimming, karate, judo,
ping-pong, billiards, table soccer and chess.
In college and sport stages I practiced rhythmic gymnastics, women-man
artistic gymnastics, athletics, swimming, water polo, synchronized
swimming, judo, stick fencing, basketball, volleyball, handball, soccer,
rugby, roller hockey, cricket, ballroom dance, acrobatic rock and roll,
walking stilts, circus activities, wheel gymnastics, theater,
windsurfing, climbing, alpine skiing, nordic skiing, tap dance,
weightlifting, tennis, tamburello, dance activities and self-defense
For fun and holistic optimization I practice BJJ Gracie Jiu-Jitsu,
running, swimming, Yoga and lifting weights (a few times each week,
alternatively), and outdoor sports (a few times per year).
Spanish and Catalan: native languages.
English: independent user (a two-year experience of university studies
at Indiana University, USA; and a half-year working experience in
Amsterdam, Holland).
Portuguese, Italian, French: basic level of understanding.
David Ribera-Nebot

Institut Públic Centre d'Alt Rendiment Esportiu
State Sports Performance Institute
at Sant Cugat
Departamento de Movimiento Humano y de Rendimiento Deportivo
Movement and Sports Performance Department
